
Bienvenid@s al Blog del Área de Educación Física en la etapa de Educación Primaria.

A través de la Educación Física los estudiantes pueden disfrutar de la actividad física y tener la satisfacción del logro mientras desarrollan habilidades y actitudes positivas que mejoran su autoestima.


Welcome to the Blog of the ​​Physical Education Area in Primary School

Through Physical Education the students can experience the joy of physical exertion and the satisfaction of achievement while developing skills and
positive attitudes that enhance self-esteem.

Recursos educativos para nuestra clase de Educación Física

Recursos educativos para nuestra clase de Educación Física
Educational resources for our PE class

Un Blog dedicado a que los alumn@s de este colegio puedan participar y practicar en el Área de Educación Física. El objetivo es ayudar a los alumn@s y, que esta herramienta les sirva de complemento escolar. También está destinado a cualquiera que lo quiera utilizar con fines educativos. Gracias a tod@s l@s que hacéis estas creaciones a disposición de todo el mundo.

martes, 8 de septiembre de 2015

Warming up

Warming up is just as important as the games and sports we play, it helps to protect our body from serious injuries and lesions. We always have to warm up before we start any kind of physical activity that needs more effort than any other normal activity. 

The warming up should include general exercise like running, jumping, etc. and specific exercise like stretching activities. The warming up starts with different ways of running and like this we prepare our heart and adapt our body to the physical activities that will be performed. This part of warming up we can also develop it through games.

When we warm up, we should include some soft stretching activities. These improve the body's flexibility, prepare our muscles, make it easier for the joints to move and permit us to move in many different ways. We should also do these stretching activities at the end of any game or sport to help us relax our muscles and unwind.

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