
Bienvenid@s al Blog del Área de Educación Física en la etapa de Educación Primaria.

A través de la Educación Física los estudiantes pueden disfrutar de la actividad física y tener la satisfacción del logro mientras desarrollan habilidades y actitudes positivas que mejoran su autoestima.


Welcome to the Blog of the ​​Physical Education Area in Primary School

Through Physical Education the students can experience the joy of physical exertion and the satisfaction of achievement while developing skills and
positive attitudes that enhance self-esteem.

Recursos educativos para nuestra clase de Educación Física

Recursos educativos para nuestra clase de Educación Física
Educational resources for our PE class

Un Blog dedicado a que los alumn@s de este colegio puedan participar y practicar en el Área de Educación Física. El objetivo es ayudar a los alumn@s y, que esta herramienta les sirva de complemento escolar. También está destinado a cualquiera que lo quiera utilizar con fines educativos. Gracias a tod@s l@s que hacéis estas creaciones a disposición de todo el mundo.

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

Developing orientation

Whenever you arrive at a new place, you feel disoriented, but as you come to know it, you learn to manage it better.
The basis of ORIENTATION GAMES lies in knowing at all times where we are and where we want to go to.

There are three basic elements we have to learn:

1) to interpret a map
2) to handle a compass
3) the correct orientation at all times of the map on the terrain

ORIENTATION RACES involve finding, with the aid of a map and a compass, control posts or MARKERS indicated on the ground and previously indicated on the map.

THE MAP: it is a scale representation of an area (land, city, building) in which the Orientation Race will take place.

MARKERS: These are the signs, stickers or objects at different points of the terrain that are the points or controls to find.

DIRECTION: the orientation we must follow to reach a determined point, control or marker.

COMPASS: it consists of a small magnetized needle that always points north. In Orienteering, it is commonly used to determine: a direction, move while maintaining the right direction and orient the map.

Play and learn: Place two benches or tables, a hoop and two posts the same as in the drawing or diagram. Then compete with your class-mates to try and memorize any of the 20 routes in under a minute and follow it on the ground without looking at the map. Who is able to do the most routes from memory without making a mistake?
Bibliography: Marqués Escámez, J.L., Asensio García, M., Gutiérrez Hidalgo, F., López Mora, A. and Samper Márquez, M. (2014). Physical education in the classroom 5. Student's Notebook. Badalona: Editorial Paidotribo.

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